The sludge comes from the sewage treatment plant in Eisenstadt and is transported to the two faulty towers by means of a 4.5 kilometer long pressure line. The plant will provide around 1.4 gigawatt hours (GWh) of energy annually, which will cover a large part of the electricity demand of the Wulkaprodersdorf sewage treatment plant.
6.5 million euros are invested in the construction of the plant, the federal and state subsidies amount to 28 percent. The two water and wastewater associations comprise 26 municipalities in the districts of Eisenstadt, Eisenstadt and Mattersburg. Considering industry and industry, the average wastewater load corresponds to a comparison value of 100,000 inhabitants. The rated load is around 152,000 inhabitants.
A positive side effect of sewage sludge digestion is also the capacity expansion of the two sewage treatment plants, whereby the foreseeable future increase in sewage volumes can be managed without further investments in the expansion of sewage treatment plants. & The self-sufficient energy generation creates a nearly energy-efficient sewage treatment plant in Wulkaprodersdorf and electricity savings at the sewage treatment plant in Eisenstadt.