Besides the simultaneous production of heat and electricity, the “snow melting function” is. If the collectors are covered with snow, hot water from the store is sent through the collectors for a short time to keep it free of snow. As a result, the electricity production during the winter months is significantly increased.
Thanks to the hybrid function, in addition to electricity, hot water is generated during the summer months; additional operation of a boiler for generating hot water is no longer necessary.
Already more than 200 hybrid systems have been installed in family homes as well as hotel complexes. The hybrid collectors & nbsp; are certified Solar-Keymark, guaranteeing high quality and long service life. Each collector is equipped with a sensor tube, which leads to a reduction in the logistics area and a time saving in assembly. The use of highly selective, laser-welded aluminum absorber and float glass as well as the small distance between the individual collectors also result in an optically high-quality appearance.
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