ÖkoFEN, based in Niederkappel / Upper Austria. is currently working intensively on the development of a series-produced electricity-producing pellet heating system. This pellet power plant is to enable green electricity generation in-house. A free-piston Stirling engine from the manufacturer Microgen Engine Corporation from England – as it is also used as standard in conventional gas-fueled micro-CHPs from well-known manufacturers – is used for generating electricity. In the market-ready product, the Stirling engine, which is integrated in a pellet heating system, delivers 1 kilowatt of electrical energy and thus covers a major part of the day’s electricity demand of a household.
In the market-ready product, the Stirling engine, which is integrated in a pellet heating system, delivers 1 kilowatt of electrical energy and thus covers a major part of the day’s electricity demand of a household.
The communication strategy was just as innovative as the project itself: the term “open innovation” provides all interested parties with an insight into the progress of the project. For this purpose, www.okofen-e.com has set up its own website on which the current project status can be followed.
The communication strategy was just as innovative as the project itself: the term “open innovation” provides all interested parties with an insight into the progress of the project.
Further Information: LINK