The location of the Tauernwindpark, built in 2002, is located in Austria in the mountain range of the Niederen Tauern at an altitude of 1,900 meters. The elevation on which the wind power plants are located runs transversely to the prevailing main winding direction and is very well suited for the operation of wind power plants because of its exposed position. The wind measurements carried out have given a mean wind speed of 7 m / s, which corresponds approximately to the wind conditions.
On the north coast coast. The Tauern wind park consists of 11 Vestas V66 wind turbines with a rated output of 1.75 MW each.
With an overall windpower of 19.25 MW, an annual energy yield of 40,000 MWh is forecast at this location, enough for the power supply of around 11,000 households. Through environmentally friendly electricity production, more than 11 million liters of oil or nearly 30 tonnes of CO2 can be saved annually.
The Tauernwindpark Oberzeiring was and still is a milestone in the development of wind energy. It was the first high alpine wind farm and for a long time Austria’s largest and the highest wind farm in the world. The development of completely new regions for wind energy also prompted the EU to promote the project.
Due to the positive experiences at the site, the Tauernwindpark was still two & nbsp; further wind turbines of the Vestas V66 type 1.75 MW. With an additional annual yield of around 8 million kWh, 2.4 million liters or 6,500 tonnes of CO2 can be saved per year and the electricity needs of more than 2,300 households covered.
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