ecowaterjet by rabmer® – save water and energy while showering without loss of comfort

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The Upper Austrian construction and environmental technology company Rabmer has won the prestigious Energy Globe Oberösterreich 2017 - environmental prize in the category of water (ex-aequo with the Reprotex water treatment). The coveted award was presented to Holter in Wels by the managing partner of the Rabmer Group, Mag. Ulrike Rabmer-Koller and Rabmer GreenTech Procurant Mag. Klaus Pichler in the framework of the recently held prize-giving ceremony at the company Holter in Wels.

“We are very pleased with this award because the Energy Globe Award is one of the world’s most prestigious environmental awards and once again confirms our innovative path in the field of environmental technologies,” explains Mag. Ulrike Rabmer-Koller, Managing Partner of the Rabmer Group.

“The ecowaterjet by rabmer® is a small attachment with an integrated, innovative turbine for the shower. This saves about 36% of water and energy by admixing air and strong swirling without having to dispense with adequate shower comfort. In addition, the ecowaterjet by rabmer® prevents deposits in the shower hose and showerhead, which significantly improves hygiene,” explains Klaus Pichler, authorized representative of Rabmer GreenTech GmbH.

“The ecowaterjet by rabmer® is an Austrian product, which is exclusively marketed by Rabmer GreenTech and recently received the Austrian eco-label. Typical areas of application are hotel industry, private households, student halls, hospitals, health care facilities or even sports facilities. The product is certified by TÜV Austria as a suitable energy efficiency measure in the sense of the Energy Efficiency Act and not only saves costs, but also makes an important contribution to sustainability and environmental protection. This means that the ecowaterjet by rabmer® sold by us alone in 2016 will be able to save around 340 million liters of water, 13.5 million kWh of energy and 4.360 tonnes of CO2 per year, “Rabmer-Koller concludes.

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Rabmer GreenTech
Linz, Austria

Rabmer GreenTech

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