The nominees and state sponsors were awarded the award at the Palais Ferstel in Vienna on February 4, 2010 in the categories of Environment & Climate, Energy & Efficiency and Foschung & Innovation.
The prize was given by Minister of Life Niki Berlakovich, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Economic Affairs Christine Marek and Secretary-General of the Ministry of Technology, Herbert Kasser.

The winners of the State Prize 2010

Kategorie: „Environment and climate“
Winner in this category is:
Andritz Hydro GmbH
for the project
“Chievo Dam Hydromatrix ® Project”,
a matrix turbine that can be removed from the lock chamber for broad, flexible and environmentally friendly use in hydropower.
v.l.n.r.: Alexander Bihlmayer, BM Niki Berlakovich.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller

Kategorie: „Research and innovation“
Winner in this category is:
for the project
new production technology for photovoltaics,
which can make this technology significantly cheaper and thus more competitive
v.l.n.r.: GS Herbert Kasser, Dieter Meissner, Wolfgang Ressler.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller

Kategorie: „Energy and efficiency“
Winner in this category is:
OCHSNER Wärmepumpen GmbH
for the project
significant increase in efficiency with air heat pumps
v.l.n.r.: Karl Ochsner jun., Clemens Birklbauer, StS Christine Marek. Foto: Katharina Stögmüller
Nominees in the category
“Environment and climate”

der Wasserwirt
Mobile process technology for cleaning oil separators
v.l.n.r.: Bernhard Monai, BM Niki Berlakovich.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller
E-Werk Wels und Stadtgemeinde Laakirchen
To encourage homeowners to use photovoltaics more widely
v.l.n.r.: Altbürgermeister Klaus Silbermayr, Stadträtin Katharina Prall,
Kurt Leeb, BM Niki Berlakovich.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller

v.l.n.r.: Harald Bala, BM Niki Berlakovich.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller
Nominees in the Category
"Research and Innovation"

Austrian Institute of Technology
DG DemoNetz-Conzept
v.l.n.r.: Helfried Brunner, GS Herbert Kasser.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller
v.l.n.r.: Hubert Rhomberg, Michael Zangerl, GS Herbert Kasser.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller

v.l.n.r.: GS Herbert Kasser, Josef Goiginger.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller
Nominees in the category
“Energy and Efficiency”

Häusermann GmbH
v.l.n.r.: Erich Weisskopf, StS Christine Marek.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller
Telekom Austria
Replacement of business trips with video conferences
v.l.n.r.: Barbara Rett, Brigitte Schüßler, StS Christine Marek.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller

v.l.n.r.: StS Christine Marek, Gerd Schauer.
Foto: Katharina Stögmüller