On the way towards climate neutrality, our technological innovative strength is particularly challenged. How do we approach a circular economy or environmental, energy and climate goals?
The award of the state prize for environmental and energy technology is:
- Continuity of the brand since 2008
- Stage for innovation, projects, services and products of the environmental and energy technology sector, which contribute to energy and resource efficiency, environmental and climate protection as well as sustainability
- Performance showcase of Austrian environmental and energy technology, which signal their innovative power and market presence, strengthen their position and develop a role model.
You can find all information and details about the award ceremony and the award-winning projects in the state prize brochure beneath.
You can find the text of the official press release beneath.

The state prize for environmental and energy technology 2015 was already issued for the fourth time. Companies, municipalities, universities and non-university research institutions and other actors, such as associations had the opportunity to submit their innovative projects, products, processes and services in the field of environmental and energy technology. The award ceremony of the prize 2015 Environmental and Energy Technology, the special prize 2015 “Start-Up Resource Efficiency” and the Daphne environmental technology special award took place on 16 October 2015 within the framework of the envietech 2015, the conference on resource efficiency and environmental technology.
Minister of the Environment DI Andrä Rupprechter, Technology Minister Alois Stöger and Energy Section Chief Christian Schönbauer, representing Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economics Dr. Reinhold Mitterlehner awarded the prize winners.