State Prize Juries 2015

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Four independent juries of experts in the field of environmental and energy technology
selected the winners.
The juries were composed as follows:

Group photo Jury Research & Innovation State Award 2015

Jury in the “Research & Innovation” category

Ing. René Albert, BSc, BMVIT Angela Köppl – WIFO DIin Doris Österreicher, MSc – , AIT
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Schnitzer – TU Graz
DI Michael Paula – BMVIT

Group photo Jury Special Prize Resource Efficiency State Award 2015

Jury in the “Special Start-Up Resource Efficiency Award” category

DIin Alexandra Amerstorfer – Kommunalkredit Public Consulting
Mag. Michael Hütter – Junge Wirtschaft Österreich Barbara Schmon – BMLFUW
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Schnitzer – TU Graz
DI Theo Zillner – BMVIT

Group photo Jury Environment, Climate & Energy State Award 2015

Jury in the “Environment & Climate” category

DIin Alexandra Amerstorfer – Kommunalkredit Public Consulting
Univ.-Prof. Günther Brauner – TU Wien Dörthe Kunellis – BMLFUW
Univ.-Prof. Markus Lehner – Montanuniversität Leoben
DIin Theresia Vogel – Klima und Energiefonds

Group photo Jury Environment, Energy & Efficiency State Award 2015

Jury in the “Energy & efficiency” category

Mag.a Heidelinde Adensam – BMWFW
DI Dr. Michael Fuchs, MBA – Industriellenvereinigung
Andreas Gnesda – Präsident Österreichischer Gewerbeverein
Mag.a Alexandra Herrmann-Weihs – Österreichs E-Wirtschaft
DIin Claudia Hübsch – Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

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